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Dec 26, 2011

last update: 12/26 @ 20:03
The traditional unwrapping of the presents was the start to our Christmas day this year. That was after some presents in NJ and before we may see some more in Atlanta — it’s a three Christmas year this year. More photos in Robert’s section.

Dec 25, 2011

What’s That ?!?
last update: 12/25 @ 18:47
Take one Hex Bug Nano, some duct tape and several boxes and you have hours of entertainment for both Robert and the kitties…
It makes such a great sound crawling along the boxes; the kitties really want to track it down.

Dec 24, 2011

Pre-Christmas fun
last update: 12/24 @ 17:01
We took a very short trip to New Jersey to catch up with David Z., Ian, Robert’s new cousin Sam and Lynn at Harry and Elle’s soon to be old house. There are more photos in the vacations section .

Dec 20, 2011

last update: 12/20 @ 19:05
Robert has been very into Legos of late. After we watched an Ultimate Factory TV show on the John Deere factory, he constructed much of the same equipment to build battle tanks.

Then the factory was left beside all the cool vehicles he could build. Like the revolutionary war, horse-drawn sled to carry his attack airplane with dual blasters. No one can fault his imagination.

Then he just needed to add more bits and pieces and vehicles to his collection. I should point out that this is just a very small selection of his current collection. Speaking of imagination, Sarah and I wonder how all the new, specialized pieces help or hurt. Wheels used to be hard to come by, now there are at least 5 different kinds of wheels we have — not to mention cannons complete with flames.

Looking at that smile, though, I’m not complaining.

Zip Drive
last update: 12/20 @ 17:08
Panzer, the newish kitten, may chase him around, but Zip Drive still gets his favorite spot under the tree. With the kittens, we’re having to keep presents in other boxes to prevent the curious and clawed from taking away some of the surprise…

Dec 16, 2011

Festival of Lights
last update: 12/16 @ 22:09
Robert’s school celebrated the winter holidays today with their big all school show. This year he was singing I am a Child of Kwanza along with the rest of the second and third grade classes.

Dec 14, 2011

Toot Toot!
last update: 12/14 @ 21:36
Sorry, I’m tooting my own horn: I was on a team recognized by the Department of Commerce with a silver medal for meritorious federal service.

Best part, Sarah and Robert were able to come to the ceremony and join in the fun (and stop off at Robert’s old day care since the ceremony was in the same building downtown). It was fun to surprise his old day care teacher (and see how much bigger he is than those little kids).

Dec 11, 2011

Christmas Tree Trimming
last update: 12/11 @ 15:59
Panzer’s first Christmas tree — and of course he had to play. Pinker was interested as well, but she got bored sooner. Zip Drive ended up in “his” spot under the tree. There are a couple more photos in Robert’s section.

Dec 10, 2011

last update: 12/10 @ 12:11
For my birthday, Robert made me Puffles so I can join his growing Puffle nation. One of mine is armed with spear, so I can be in the Puffle army.

I also imposed on Sarah for a Kindle Fire — I’ve joined the Kindle-ites. And I have some new music and books as well.

Best of all, Sarah is working on a lasagna for dinner :)

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