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Jul 26, 2024

I’m not from the Government anymore …
last update: 07/26 @ 17:26

It’s been quite a ride over the last 16 years.

Clearly I had more hair and way less gray. (But the hat helps to hide the missing hair — not that I really had that much more then).

Now I have way more experiences.

And lots of memories of working with a great team on some fun (and less fun projects).

Oh, and I have bionic eyes now since I got new lenses. (Hidden by the overly large sunglasses.)

I’m sure to have more to say and I have some great photos to share as well.

But I wanted to be sure to post this “day of.”

I wasn’t unhappy starting my job at USPTO, but I was much more serious then than on my way out the door for the last time.

Jul 13, 2024

Happy Birthday Alexandria!!!
last update: 07/13 @ 22:27

It was a little hot and steamy out, but a lovely display.

And it’s hard to beat being able to walk down the waterfront to see the fireworks up close.

This time we were in Founders Park, just downstream from the stage and bigger crowds.

That seemed to work out well; but I would have paid for cold bottle of water if there had been any vendors around.

Jul 11, 2024

Brag Wall
last update: 07/11 @ 17:37

I started cleaning up my office this week. I’ve done the first pass of disposal (regular and shredding).

I thought I’d make sure I have a photo of my brag wall before I start to package up personal items to bring them home.

It’s been almost 15 years at USPTO; I feel good that I was able to decorate my wall this well in that time.

The highlight remains the photo with President Bush Sr. from my days in the White House News Photographers Association (many years ago).

Jul 07, 2024

Angler’s Inn
last update: 07/07 @ 21:30

Another hot day on the river.

The level continues to drop a bit as we’ve not had much rain.

But we’re still taking advantage of the river in our backyard.

We heard that yesterday the river (at least the parking log) was pretty full.

Today, parking was easy.

We did see a few other folks out on the river.

But not very many.

On theory: all the Fourth of July visitors were on their way home.

We did see a couple of these guys.

I believe that’s a northern water snake or banded water snake.

Nonpoisonous but, we’ve been told, bitey.

It was hot enough that they were stretched on the rocks just under the water.

When it’s cooler, they sun themselves on rocks (sometimes).

Jun 29, 2024

Lower water…
last update: 06/29 @ 22:24

… Still plenty of fun

Sarah and I made it back to Angler’s Inn this morning. It was hot but not nearly as hot as last weekend. And while the river was a bit lower, it was still very nice to be out.

This evening, we were able to watch the Seattle Cascades win their Ultimate game which sets them up for the post season.

Jun 16, 2024

last update: 06/16 @ 14:37

Robert’s visit was a little distracting.

Sarah and I went to see Marc Cohn at the Birchmere on Thursday; we invited Robert but he decided to chill at home instead.

It was a great show and the new version of Silver Thunderbird was a fantastic treat.

Recommended if you get the chance to catch this tour.

He’s Back!!!
last update: 06/16 @ 12:25

Classes over, Robert came home to Alexandria.

Sadly, not for the summer.

But for a very nice week-long break.

We had fun hanging out together.

And it was great that his trip happened to coincide with Father’s day (thank you for the Bluetooth meat thermometer which I’m sure to start using soon).

We even had a rematch of the Catan game with Pocket; Robert won.

But he’s headed back to Seattle for the summer.

He has some more work with the Ultimate Frisbee teams there, and is hoping to line up another summer job as Frisbee still leaves most of his time free.

Sarah and I really enjoyed having Robert back in the house and were sorry to see him go. But he truly is adulting well.

Jun 08, 2024

Great Falls
last update: 06/08 @ 17:52

Sarah’s brother David happened to be in town this weekend (congratulations on the award).

And he had some time free so we picked him up and headed to the Billy Goat trail.

I know Hank and Sally and I did this as well, but it had to be 30 years ago.

It was a picture perfect day.

Perfect for us and the Heron!

I’ve forgotten the view of the Falls from the Maryland side. Really pretty impressive (even if the straight Virginia drop is hidden behind the rocks.

And the while we shared the trail with many other families and folks — we had the benefit of someone to take our picture for us.

There is a bit of a scramble up the rocks at one point on the trail, and I’ve often watched folks slip a bit there when I paddle up the gorge. Now I know why :)

It was great fun to see David and show off one of our favorite spots to him. In a way, returning the favor of the Eastern Washington hike he took us on earlier this year.

Now we just need to get him in boat…

Jun 01, 2024

Beautiful June Day
last update: 06/01 @ 18:30

We’re thinking more of this in our future!

A lovely June day and we headed a but further upstream to Violette’s Lock.

We realized it had been year since we were there last.

Almost exactly 4 years.

It’s a pretty spot; a bit further to drive and the paddle back up the canal can seem like a lot of flatwater — but filled with turtles this time of year.

Clearly the weather was perfect for it and we had a great time!

The ducks and herons seems to be happy to today too.

We’re less sure about the snake; but it kept to itself so no problem.

May 31, 2024

It’s Official!!!
last update: 05/31 @ 16:30

I turned in my SF 3107 (and related forms) yesterday afternoon and had confirmation this morning that I did it right. My last day of federal service will be July 26th. I’m sure I’ll have more to say closer to the day.

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