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Mar 28, 2016

Back from the Break
last update: 03/28 @ 14:45

Robert and I got back late last night from our Southern Swing: Richmond, Blue Ridge Parkway, Natural Bridge, Tennessee water-park, Great Smokey Mountains. More photos in the trips section.

Mar 26, 2016

Hiccup in Plans
last update: 03/26 @ 17:57

Robert and I are on part two of spring break: a quick visit with Martha in Richmond on the way, sort of, to the Smokey Mountains (or at least Wilderness in the Smokies). But in the black light golf, Robert stepped funny on a moonshine obstacle and his foot was still hurting enough for him to limp the next day. We went to the local urgent care to get it checked out: sprain, nothing fractured. We figured the outdoor pool was not really an ice pack — but sort of close…

Mar 22, 2016

Spring Break Break
last update: 03/22 @ 11:05

We’re back in Alexandria after a quick trip up to New Jersey and New York as Robert starts Spring Break.

We had a chance to visit with Harry and Elle in NJ, enjoying some meals (Robert designated March 21st National Jelly Doughnut Day) and movies.

And enjoy a cool thing Harry clued us into: Kidtooning with New Yorker cartoonists. We ended up on the 34th floor of One World Financial Center — the Condé Nast headquarters — with just a few other families, the kids gave the cartoonists ideas and each kid got their own to take home.

More later on that.

On our way back to Alexandria, we stopped at Diggerland something we’ve been eyeing since we heard that they were opening.

Yes, that’s Robert driving a backhoe; with minimal instruction, they put him in the drivers seat. He gave his mom a ride. I got a ride too. It seems little early for him to driving us around…

We were able to drive all sorts of construction vehicles. It was an entertaining (in a good way) afternoon.

They even have some non-construction things, like this ropes course (similar style to Stone Mountain, where we were last Spring Break).

We’re dropping Sarah off and doing a few chores before we see what trouble we can get into next…

Mar 16, 2016

Beautiful Evening
last update: 03/16 @ 22:18

We went in to Robert’s school for the annual Arts Festival this evening. It was raining just a bit as drove over there. And looked like this when we stepped out. Five minutes later and the stars started to pop out.

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