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Dec 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!
last update: 12/31 @ 23:36

SNOW in NJ!! With a Cousin
last update: 12/31 @ 15:05

Dec 30, 2008

Can you xerox this for mommy?
last update: 12/30 @ 10:48

Robert really really wanted to stay with mommy today so I said O.K. He’s being really good. But I’d be done now if…

Dec 29, 2008

last update: 12/29 @ 22:41

Pictured is Sally’s Dad at 90th birthday party, with Baby Asher & Mimi.

Dec 25, 2008

Merry Christmas
last update: 12/25 @ 21:38
Christmas a la carte this year. But like the whos down in whoville we had the sunrise, (which we saw in person thanks to Helen’s beautiful windows and Robert’s excitement for Christmas to come,) we had each other and family, and we even had a few of the wonderful packages that had been sent. We’ll open the rest back home later.

David’s dad was transferred to Winston Salem hospital in the morning, and expects an endoscopic look-around tomorrow morning. Robert, Aaron and the rest of us made the Boone hospital in time for a Christmas kiss which Loren appreciated.

The rest of the day was mostly spent outside, in a sunny, clear, 50-degree day overlooking the Blue Ridge mountains, playing in the sandbox, and going for hikes to the mail box and back.

Love to all. -SZap

Dec 21, 2008

Christmas Tradition
last update: 12/21 @ 00:36
Step One: hunt a tree. In our case, easy to do with a very short walk the Alexandria Police Christmas tree lot (as a fundraiser for the Youth Camp). While we’re a little late and the selection was not huge, Robert found the perfect tree for us.

Step Two: Transport the tree home. It’s always fun when the tree seller asks which car to help tie it down on to be able say, “oh, we’ll just carry it home.” And that’s just what we did. It’s also fun to see folks driving by wondering if we’re really going to take that tree home on the metro or not…

Step Three: Decorate. Robert was a big help this year (especially with a step ladder).

Step Four: Sit back and enjoy. This year, with the demise of our ficus, the Christmas tree is in the dining room so we can enjoy it over dinner.

Dec 14, 2008

Moose Snuffle
last update: 12/14 @ 17:14
Robert’s Uncle Neil stopped in for a surprise visit. While he was getting an excellent tour of the Mall from Sarah, Robert and I met them at the Botanic Garden for the Christmas trains. After that, Robert and I discovered this moose in the Botanic Garden’s back yard. There are a couple more photos in Robert’s section.

Santa Train
last update: 12/14 @ 15:58
Sarah took Robert (along with friends Evan and Romeo and their moms) on the Santa Train. It’s a double decker VRE commuter train that runs between Alexandria and Manassas. Santa was heading back to the station and Robert didn’t want to disturb him, but did just sit down next to him for part of the trip. I’m sure we’ll do this again next year — maybe then I’ll take the the time off to join in the fun.

Dec 06, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!!
last update: 12/06 @ 17:46
Sarah got me a very nice lens for our anniversary (Pentax’s 35mm 2.8 Macro limited). I popped it onto the camera and wanted to take a quick shot just to be sure it’s OK. I really like the way this throwaway shot of the silica gel packed with the lens turned out. I may swear off zooms and go back to prime lenses… There are a few more photos from my *isD (not related to travel or Robert; just some photos showing off the camera).

I should thank Tim Bray, whom I follow both by blog and Twitter for this blog posting/tweet which led me to this discussion of the lens. That was enough to convince me to keep an eye out for one.

Thanks to Sarah, I can keep my eye looking through it now!

Dec 05, 2008

Confessions of a Mosquito Mater
last update: 12/05 @ 22:10
Sarah read one of her non-fiction pieces tonight as the final touch to her M.A. in Non-Fiction Writing. While I know I’m biased, I thought it was the best of the 10 read. Non-Fiction about mosquitoes that gets a full room laughing is no small feat. And Robert was very well behaved for during all the readings; his only concern was to be sure he was the first to applaud his mom.

Dec 03, 2008

End of an Era…
last update: 12/03 @ 20:20
This is the final boys night out dinner while Sarah is off in school. Tonight was the final class for her Masters in Non-Fiction Writing from Johns Hopkins. She, and the rest of her class, read selections Friday; she has her final print out of her thesis to turn in; then she can decide to process or not in May.




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