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with lots of graphics; please be patient.)
May 21, 2016 |
Tradition continues… |
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And Robert wins too… Sarah got a new, adjustable desk (in addition to the Nerf bows) and Robert got the desk packaging; which makes a great Hoth. |
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Birthday Girl!!! We had plans to celebrate with her book club friends at a cabin on Antietham creek. But the weahter turned against us. The day started with biscuits, coffee (tea) and Nerf Bows! Next up, Jungle Book and meeting friends at Los Tios for birthday dinner. |
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May 11, 2016 |
Back from West Virginia |
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May 05, 2016 |
6th Grade Recital He and his fellow woodwinds did a fine job. As did the rest of the 6th graders. |
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