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Jan 06, 2025

Got out the sleds…
last update: 01/06 @ 17:41

We’re likely to be down to one after this season. This green one is going strong; our red/orange boogie-board style is showing it’s age, sadly.

This one is clearly much faster and tracks further.

And, as you see from Sarah’s expression, is really fun!

Snowy Day
last update: 01/06 @ 11:57

We’re in a little bit of a lull in today’s snow.

But it’s the most we’ve had in years already.

I’m sorry Robert’s now here to enjoy it.

Sarah and I have date to go sledding later this afternoon.

Jan 04, 2025

Christmas notes
last update: 01/04 @ 13:55

More photos and a few more details of our Christmas are in the Vacations Section (even though we stayed in Alexandria).

Jan 01, 2025

Happy New Year!!!
last update: 01/01 @ 13:24

We enjoyed celebrating the New Year with Will’s family. The tradition of a countdown and balloon drop around 9:30 is great for the younger generation and helps to bridge the time to midnight for those staying up.

And then we headed to the Masonic Memorial to watch Alexandria’s excellent fireworks show.

It was pretty odd for it be so warm, low 50s, but that gets corrected in a few days. Oddly, just after Robert heads back to Seattle, the temps are due to dive down to daytime highs around 35.

So we’ll enjoy the warmth while we can.

New this year, there was this interesting ice sculpture by the steps. I don’t known anything about it.

Not new this year, ate our 12 grapes under the table, we swept our troubles off the front and back porches, and ran around the house 3 times with a bit of luggage.

We should be all set for good luck for the year.

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