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Wed, 14 Dec 2011

Toot Toot!
Sorry, I’m tooting my own horn: I was on a team recognized by the Department of Commerce with a silver medal for meritorious federal service.

Best part, Sarah and Robert were able to come to the ceremony and join in the fun (and stop off at Robert’s old day care since the ceremony was in the same building downtown). It was fun to surprise his old day care teacher (and see how much bigger he is than those little kids).



Leland H. Williams wrote

Congrats on the Silver Medal. Glad someone up there is performing meritorious service! Keep up the good work. Glad you tooted. Leland and Cornelia

Cooper Williams wrote

My highest Federal medal was only Bronze(Star) Very proud of you and sarah and ever since your dads funeral,I have been in awe of Robert

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