Christmas Preparations

December 11, 2011. We took our traditional walk over to the tree lot this afternoon and brought home our Christmas Tree. This year we took a couple scouting trips by to see what the selection looked like and to assuage a certain Robert who wanted the tree earlier than we were really ready for it.
This is a landmark year: Pinker and Panzer's first Christmas. They both gave the tree a good sniff and even a nibble as we set it up. Panzer seemed more intrigued overall than Pinker. Of course, there were some close calls -- we moved the ornament below up high enough to be out of reach, we think. After enough excitement, Panzer was just worn out... December 11, 2011.
December 11, 2011. December 11, 2011.
December 11, 2011. December 11, 2011.
December 11, 2011. December 11, 2011.
December 16, 2011. The big winter break show, Festival of Lights at Robert's school this year saw him graduating from singing You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch to singing I am a Child of Kwanza. That marks the end of the Fall session and the begining of winter break. Robert and his whole class did great, again.
December 16, 2011. December 16, 2011.

With school out, the holidays really begin.

See: Our NJ trip and Christmas as well.

December 16, 2011.