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Fri, 23 Dec 2016

Friday wound down with this…

…a nice shallow-ish boat dive off of Seven Mile Beach. Red Sail Sports connected us with a dive at Hammerhead Hole.

And Amy, our dive instructor, was happy to take Robert along even though he’s not (yet) certified.

That’s Amy leading Robert with Sarah trailing along behind.

It was great fun. Again, Robert had a great time (and had no issues with equalizing the pressure in his ears).

Amy later apologized about the visibility — which seemed great to us but was apparently more limited than is often the case around here.

Seeing a turtle and a friend working on finding something to munch on was way cool!!!

I was having too much fun taking pictures and was going through my air faster than Robert and Sarah so I missed the nurse shark they saw just after I started back up.

But I still enjoyed myself a lot and I’m very happy we got to enjoy the dive.

Amy even indulged us with this shot of the three of us (it may make a reprise appearence in the Tax Day Letter).



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