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Fri, 29 Jul 2016

Birthday Traditions

As is our tradition, we went on an expedition to the Lego store to let Robert peruse the current collection and choose a set in real time.

The very nice present from Harry was from his wish list, so something he picked out, but then had to hope for.

And if go to the Lego store at Tyson’s Corner, you are morally obligated to go to the Sushi Go-Round (Wasabi).

The correct order is Lego store (get a couple small thing in addition to whatever big set (or sets) you settle on and then stop in for sushi.

That way you may be able to work your new Lego creation into the milieu of the meal…

Case in point:

You just may need a little help getting those big ol’ plates off the conveyor belt and on to your table.

Maybe some police support to things orderly.

Because, really, you need that conveyor belt to keep moving and bringing you all that tasty sushi…

Of course the real birthday tradition (beyond the presents, party and general celebration) is the dinner at Los Tios (not the same day as Wasabi.

Because of course you need your sombrero time…



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