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Sun, 01 Sep 2013

Excitement on the Potomac

 Robert was feeling a little under the weather so I was without my bowman this afternoon on the Potomac. I only had to drag the boat over Wet Bottom Chute to get from Angler’s Inn to Rocky Island. It was low: 3.03, but I still managed a little surfing. And there were no other boats there while I was there.

On the way back I was buzzed by the USPS helicopter and was worried there had been another river accident. As I got further downstream, where he helicopter was circling, I saw the Cabin John Fire Department rafts on the shore. It looked like a hiker took a tumble and they were evacuating by river.

 The helicopter was low enough for me to start to feel the downdraft when it flew over. I’m guessing it was keeping an eye on the evacuation to make sure it all went smoothly — which it seemed to do.



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