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Tue, 11 Sep 2007

September 11

Sarah was not able to make her usual walk recreating our walk home on 9/11/01. She started a new class at JHU tonight; interestingly, she was to have started her program 6 year ago, but classes were canceled that day.

I thought about Robert and I making an abbreviated version of the walk on our way home this evening. But I know the first question he would ask is “Why” and I just don’t want to go there with a 3 year old if I don’t have to.

He was too young to remember much of Max (our other cat who died not long after Robert was born), so we’ve not had to talk about death with him yet. And I really think 3 is too young so I’m happy to put it off for a while. We’ll see how the coming year goes. I hope that we can avoid that subject for another year.



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