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Wed, 21 Mar 2007

It just didn’t sound right…

Robert was talking about his plans for an upcoming weekend and saying we needed get some balloons so they could be strewn around the floor. Which is all fine and good until you think for a second, “What’s a 2 year old (OK 2 and a half) doing with a word like strewn ready for a casual conversation?”

It’s a little less fine when when you try to recap the plan and say, “Yes we could strew some ballons around… Wait a minute that doesn’t right… What is the present tense of strewn.”

I’m not sure I’ve ever used it in the present tense, but a quick check of says, yes strew, no matter how odd sounding, is the present tense form of strewn.

Now, I fully expect to be stumped by Robert as he grows and starts to question more and more things (admittedly, I did have to ask Harry about whether the sun spins on its axis — that was more for me as Robert and I talked about night and day; it was my question not his), but I really thought we might have another couple years at least.



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