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Mon, 12 Sep 2005

A Non-Robert Entry!!!

Oh my gosh! A non-Robert entry if you can believe it. This is a nice shot of 4 of us St. Elmos moms at our monthly mom’s night out. We closed the place down. It was ugly, they gave us bread and then locked the doors and left. (We were at an outside table.) If we’d just thought to order another bottle of wine we could have stayed there all night. For the most part not even talking about our kids. Until, of course, someone pointed out that we were not talking about our kids and we all promptly started talking about our kids. But, that was nice too because we all lucked out and have great kids. Anyway, I thought this was a nice picture.



SMom wrote

Great photo. Glad the St. Elmo's moms are still supporting each other! ! !

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