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Mon, 13 Sep 2004

September 11, 2004
Robert and I got to join Sarah on her annual walk from DC to Alexandria. This year there were small flags taped to the 14th Street Bridge. And the weather was spectacular again (much like 2001). With Robert in his stroller (I really should have taken a photo of that), we stuck an umbrella on the front of the stroller to shade him from the sun. We were both expecting some form of security to approach us as we wheeled our odd little stroller with the umbrella covering it up to National Airport. But we didn’t get any second looks.

I do like the tradition but hate the cause of it. I really wish I didn’t feel like it was inevitable that terrorism would strike so close and so powerfully. My wish for Robert (overly optimistic, I fear) is that he sees the end of terrorism as we’ve come to know it.



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