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Dec 06, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!!
last update: 12/06 @ 17:46
Sarah got me a very nice lens for our anniversary (Pentax’s 35mm 2.8 Macro limited). I popped it onto the camera and wanted to take a quick shot just to be sure it’s OK. I really like the way this throwaway shot of the silica gel packed with the lens turned out. I may swear off zooms and go back to prime lenses… There are a few more photos from my *isD (not related to travel or Robert; just some photos showing off the camera).

I should thank Tim Bray, whom I follow both by blog and Twitter for this blog posting/tweet which led me to this discussion of the lens. That was enough to convince me to keep an eye out for one.

Thanks to Sarah, I can keep my eye looking through it now!

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