Grandpapa Oscar Tyler Williams, Sr
A conversation between the Beth Williams King and Glen
From an email from Beth W. King 7/19/2006

I asked Glen to tell me some of his memories of Grandpapa Oscar Tyler Williams, Sr. Thought you might enjoy this too.

He was soft spoken and wasted very few words..had a pearl handle knife he cleaned his finger nails with, wore a dress straw hat during the summer. His curse word was "confound the luck". He could cut a straightline with a handsaw with either hand. I use to love to hear laugh at the AMOS AND ANDY show on radio. He was a very meticulous dresser. I can also remember him cracking squirrel heads and eating the brains for breakfast, sounds gross, but it really happened.

I also asked Glen about Norway being named Waynor for a time.

Beth, from what I remember hearing Daddy and Granddaddy talk, it had to do with railroad and telegraph along that section. Something about getting money wired to the Bank of Norway which Great Great Granddaddy Williams owned and it getting mixed up with the railroad. As the story goes Norway became Norway and the railroad section became Waynor.