Tybee Island Reunion Quiz

Fort Pulaski was to defend what?
Columbia, SC
Atlanta, GA
Savanah, GA
Richmond, VA

What was Xepha Smith's nickname?
Aunt Sam
Aunt Bill
Aunt Uncle

What other famous person figues into the "Cousin Bobby" story?
George Washington
Mr. Eiffle (of tower fame)
Harry Lee

What univeristy did George Hendry attend?
University of Georgia
University of Virginia
University of South Carolina
University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill

Does anyone know what other fort "Cousin Bobby" was assigned to oversee that has a family connection?
Fort Sumter
Fort Moutltrie
Fort Caswell
Fort McHenry

Based on the family history nuggets, who is our "Russian Connection?"
Aunt Lil

Who took a rifle away from an angry crowd?
Loren's Mother
Juddie's Father
Loren's Father
