Second Birthday, July 2006

Robert had a more substantial second birthday party than his first. Last year we'd just gotten back from Tuscany and were still getting back on a schedule. This year, Robert is much more aware of birthdays and parties, so having a real party made lots of sense.

We started with cake with his class at daycare on Friday then invited some friends over Saturday -- having a birthday fall on a weekend, you are obligated to celebrate. And we finished the birthday weekend with a quick trip to Richmond so that Robert could finally meet GrandMartha.

July 22, 2006 (photo by SZap).
July 22, 2006 (photo by SZap). July 22, 2006.
July 22, 2006 (photo by SZap). July 22, 2006 (photo by SZap).
July 22, 2006. July 22, 2006.
July 22, 2006 (Romeo, Robert Ciaran, Caroline). July 22, 2006 (photo by Caroline's Grandmother).
All the Angle Food cake recipes say you have to let it cool upside down and the perfect way to do that is slide a wine bottle into the hole in middle of the mold. But the new pan Sarah picked up for the festivities was carefully designed with the hole just a bit too small for any wine bottle we have. I'm sure the manufacturer has an official cooking stand; we got by with some ingenuity. July 22, 2006 (photo by SZap).
July 22, 2006. Sarah, Robert, Martha and David outside the Richmond Montesori School. David and his family met Martha and her family through the school where Martha was the head. She is now back for her third round of leading the school through some traumatic times.
After all the excitement, Robert was playing with stickers when this penguin ended up on his forehead. Sarah took advantage of another lull in the work next door to give Robert his first up-close and personal experience with earth moving equipment. And Robert and Ciaran at the blue park with the firehats the nice fire fighters from Engine 205 gave us when we ran into them down by the river earlier this month. July 22, 2006 (photo by SZap).
July 22, 2006 (photo by SZap). July 22, 2006 (photo by SZap).
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