Two Wheeler!!! October 2010

October 24, 2010. I think it started with some wood leftover from a remodeling project up the street. Jonathan, from across the street, ended up with a couple boards. And Robert had some cinder-blocks left over from the walk the plank game for his birthday. So Jonathan decided they should build a ramp -- in my mind it was Jonathan. And he was having a great time with it.
And Robert was having a great time watching his jumps, marking how far he got and generally directing the jumping. Then, he decided to give it a shot on his scooter... Not so much air but still fun. The jumping devolved into cops and robbers (as it often does) and Robert has a hard time keeping up on his scooter. (And didn't like to get his bike out much.) Octover 24, 2010.
October 24, 2010 (phonecam). I thought Robert would have more fun if he had a better chance to keep up. So we headed over to a new road under construction -- because really, where else would you take your only son to introduce him to riding without training wheels than a construction site. The last time we tried this, I was only able to let go for a couple seconds before he started to wobble.
This time, he pretty much took off immediately. Sarah and Robert started racing. Here they are going so fast they are pulling the houses along in their wake (some off effect of the shutter on the cell phone camera). And then Robert decided to race a CSX freight train... Octover 24, 2010 (phonecam).
October 24, 2010.

That was such a successful excursion, Sarah and Robert rode part of the way home. And then Robert picked up riding again through the blue park. Not the somewhat concerned mom left in his wake, watching him ride off into the sunset.

What a difference a year or two or five makes...

Octover 24, 2010. May 15, 2005.
October 24, 2010. Octover 24, 2010.

And for the record: Robert has some more biking to do before he's ready for The Ramp.

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