Life and Career Planning; Worker Interview

Steve ran into Tom Woodard in July, 2023 and Tom said he had been cleaning up and ran across a paper he wrote for one of his classes. It was based on an interview (or interviews) with our dad. As Tom says:

This paper is a brief overview of Loren Williams' life and career choices with a short discussion of it from the perspective of social learning theory and Ann Roe's needs theory. The discussion will include where the theories seem to account for his career choices and where they seem inadequate.

Steve scanned it as a PDF which is about 4.3MB. Here's the email he sent letting us know about this encounter and paper:

During the middle of driving back and forth to Knoxville, Helen and I went to a covered dish dinner in the Boone area. One of the folk attending was Tom Woodard who was an App State psychology grad student in the early 90's. He and his wife Suzi knew mom and dad pretty well, and I think they had hosted some weekend retreats at Rivendell. It seems that in one of Tom's grad classes he was supposed to interview someone whose career was in psychology. He chose to interview dad and wrote a report on that in March 1993. 30+ years later, just before this get together, he found it and gave it to me. I've scanned it as separate pages and attached it here. One thing I was particularly interested in was the name of the racial justice outfit he'd worked with in Richmond, and then some more up here in the Boone area: V.I.S.I.O.N.S.