Cooper in the Air Force : Williams Genealogy Class V Photo DB

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Cooper in the Air Force Williams Genealogy Class V Photo DB
Cooper in the Air Force
David said,
I asked Cooper for a photo of him in uniform for the Military History section and he sent me this one showing him being given the Bronze Star in 1968. Of course, he didn't mention the Bronze Star in his very brief summary of his time in the USAF.
2002-06-11 21:27:35-04
contact information for David:
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Sarah Z. said,
I looked at the picture of Cooper and thought that I could kind of see a little bit of Steve in him. (Not that I know what Steve looks like without a beard, but I still say I see a little bit of resemblence.) Also, does Cooper have a black eye in this picture? If so, I bet there's a story in that one.
2002-06-11 21:31:46-04
contact information for Sarah Z.:
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Cooper said,
David, I received the Bronze Star for support action during the big TET offensive by the Viet Cong in early 1968.
2002-06-11 23:10:22-04
contact information for Cooper:
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sarah said,
I would like to know more about Cooper. I would like to know if there was a pinpoint where they thought he might have landed. And any other info. Any information on his friend. I'm not even sure who it was. Just kind of curious if someone could help me out.
2005-03-23 17:19:26-05
contact information for sarah: princess_sarahl24@yahoo
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jonathan dawson said,
what is the story on this man did they ever find him
2005-04-17 21:49:03-04
contact information for jonathan dawson :
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