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Feb 18, 2008

More Weekend Pictures
last update: 02/18 @ 20:05

Just a few more random pics from the weekend. One -a fun box at GrandMartha’s in Richmond and the other - more Zoo. -Z

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72 and sunny…
last update: 02/18 @ 16:31
…that’s not what you expect in February. OK, we should know that Mid-Atlantic weather is not predictable this time of year — but 70+ degrees is really not very common (the record is 76 from 1981, but the “normal daily max” is 47).

We took advantage of the weather and the holiday to check out the zoo. And Robert decided to ride the eagle sculpture. We had not visited the Amazonia exhibit before; it was pretty impressive: they have some huge fish there. And, of course there was some playing in the pizza garden both coming and going. It really was amazing to have the weather on a holiday so we could all enjoy it.

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